

Figma helps teams create, test, and ship better designs from start to finish.

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Meet our customers


Packed with design features you already love plus unique inventions like the Arc tool and Vector Networks, Figma helps you keep the ideas flowing. No need to stop to install, save, or export. It’s what any good cloud software should be.

Explore features
Figma is fast. Files are always up to date. It’s easy to share designs across the organization, so collaboration is easy.
Bryan Haggerty, Sr. Design Manager at Twitter


Bring your ideas to life faster in animated prototypes that feel like the real thing. Get insights from users and test concepts earlier and more often.

Create prototypes


Share a link to your design files or prototypes, and get feedback in context. Or, jump into the same file with your teammates—no matter where y’all are in the world—and co-edit live.

Work together
Figma has replaced the whiteboard for us! Being able to jump in the same file with someone fills the gap of not being able to gather in person.
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Design Systems


Create a scalable design system that’s accessible for your organization and easy for you to manage. When all designers are speaking the same language, everyone’s more empowered to do their best work.

Build systems
With Figma, we can basically deploy a new build of our design system to every designer at the company with two clicks of a button.
Lily Nguyen, Design Engineer at Uber